„Great programme, perfect performance, attractive visual aspect and score-less freedom!“
(Peeter Vähi, composer & artistic director, klaaspärlimäng | Glasperlenspiel festival, Estonia)

„… dann ist eben doch alles Gold, was glänzt.“

Young, fresh and unique – that's AUREUM!

The quartet links tradition and modernity and shakes up classical concert conventions. Four completely different characters meet and become one body of sound.

AUREUM combines classical, jazz, world music & folk music at the highest level. Crossover in a new dimension and a novelty with this instrumentation!

AUREUM performs in venues such as the Wiener Konzerthaus, Wiener Musikverein, Festspielhaus Salzburg and plays at international festivals from Gmunden to Istanbul.

The group is NASOM Ensemble of the season 2020-2022. With golden roots, AUREUM can be experienced 2022 live in Estonia, Czech Republic, Tunisia, Serbia, Albania, Armenia, Vietnam, Singapore, Chile - and in Austria.

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